Auckland Unitary Plan

The complexity of the e-plan and speed of the process has raised a number of concerns in most Auckland Communities. These concerns are with both (a) the content of the plan and (b) the process.

In particular, attention is being given to the zoning for high rise and terrace housing – the nominated high-density areas include the upper parts of Onewa Road, between Highbury and Valley Road.

While the voice of reason acknowledges that this doesn’t mean all the sites will be built on any time soon, the concern about the level of high-density housing is valid. It is unclear in the plan how Council intends to ensure the infrastructure (especially already congested roads!) will cope and there is insufficient public transport.

We strongly urge everyone to take some time to read the plan and look at the maps for your property. Make sure you know what the impacts of the plan might be and don’t just assume you will be protected.

We are still working through the plan to understand the implications for Birkenhead – and we are also sharing ideas and learning with other Associations.

If you are able to provide us with any observations or commentary on parts of the plan, we would greatly appreciate you sharing these!

The Character Coalition

The Birkenhead Residents Association is a member of the Character Coalition which is an umbrella group representing heritage, historical and special interest groups and residents associations who care deeply about their city.

We support the Character Coalitions ‘Bottom Lines‘ which are modeled on the Brisbane Plan as a starting point and in order to protect character and heritage in Auckland the following provisions must be included in the Unitary Plan:

  • Interim blanket demolition controls on pre 1940’s buildings – where the case for demolition has to be proven, rather than at present where the case for retention must be made.
  • All demolitions of pre-1940’s buildings require consent and must be publicly notified.
  • Any replacement building must satisfy a design code, requiring sympathetic design, scale and materials to be used.
  • Local Plans to recognise differing characteristics and issues of each area, to ensure private and public sector development proposals are consistent with local aspirations. Regarding development proposals, Local Plans can change and raise conditions of compliance, public notification requirements, and other standards.
  • Adequate council resources to be allocated to the identification and assessment of heritage and character of an area, as the local Area Plans are completed, and BEFORE intensification rules are applied to an area.
  • Adequate budgets and resources applied within council to build up an experienced and knowledgeable heritage department.
  • Continuing engagement with interested community groups on how to best preserve our heritage.

Got questions? Call 09 365 3786 weekdays 8 am-5 pm or email

Note: Comments via the Shape Auckland blogs and social media will count towards this consultation but will be summarised and reported on in general, not responded to on an individual basis.