Join the Birkenhead Residents Association

Join the Birkenhead Residents Association - the hub of Birkenhead
‘The Hub of Birkenhead’ by Kelly Vivian

The Birkenhead Residents Association Inc is a volunteer-based organisation. But not all things are available for free.

Whilst most of the Association’s efforts involve the voluntary contribution of time and resources of its members, there are invariably financial costs incurred with the many Submissions and associated activities that the Association undertakes in protecting the quality of life for residents of the Birkenhead and surrounding areas.

Why Your Financial Membership is Important

Your financial membership is essential, not only to cover costs but more importantly to add substance and credibility to the many submissions that the Committee makes on your behalf. Submissions almost always need to state how many financial members the Birkenhead Residents Association represents – numbers do matter.

There are two levels of membership available.

  1. Individual (one person) for $10.00
  2. Family/household or Business for $20.00

Additionally, you may also like to make a donation.

Membership Form

Payment Options:

You are also welcome to use the Contact Us form.

Executive Committee

We invite all those who are passionate about preserving, restoring, and developing our unique heritage, community, and environment to think about joining the Executive Committee.

What are YOU passionate about?

What drives you mad that no one is doing anything about it?  

Well, now is your chance to DO SOMETHING about it. We each have our own passions and strengths, therefore we get to work on issues that we find fulfilling. And at the same time, we get to help and support others with their issues – learning all the time.

The Executive Committee meets most months (about 10 times a year) for about an hour and a half to discuss and/or coordinate on local issues. The Executive Committee oversees the Sub-committees, like the Neighbourhood Concept Plan For Birkenhead Sub-committee. So the role is less public, for those who may be daunted by public exposure.

To be effective in representing the needs of our local community, we need locals, just like you. So please consider if you would like to be involved, even if it is just for one year.

Related pages

Executive Committee

Rules of Incorporation

Privacy Policy

Photo Credits:

The Hub of Birkenhead‘ by Kelly Vivian