Membership Form

Use this form for New applications and Renewal of your membership.

    What is the reason you are using this form?

    New ApplicationRenew Membership

    1) Enter your name, email address, and phone number
    2) Choose membership category
    3) Use internet banking to pay your membership fee
    4) Submit this form.

    Membership Level:
    Individual $10Family $20Business $20

    If you would like to make a donation, you can add that to your membership fee or make a separate payment.

    Internet Banking

    We are no longer able to accept cheques, please use Internet Banking / Cash Deposit: to: Kiwi Bank: 38 9005 0299006 00

    PLEASE ensure that you include your surname and phone number as the Reference: - the same name and phone number entered above.


    We no longer issue receipts for internet payments, due to the increasing costs to do so. However, if you require a receipt please click the box >>>Please send me a receipt.


    Please let us know if you have anything you’d like to help with in regards to the Birkenhead Resident’s Association.
    (General correspondence should be sent via our Contact Form)